Fundraiser for ReLaunch of The Legendary IBWC by Yo Yo

Yo Yo is calling all community leaders to come out and support the relaunch of her legendary organization, Intelligent Black Women's Coalition (IBWC). She is hosting a fundraiser this Saturday, Feb. 2nd at the Game Sports Bar Restaurant and Lounge located at 5630 W. Manchester Blvd., Los Angeles, CA from 5PM- 9PM. Here are the words from the legend herself on Facebook: " Yes we are back and with purpose. The STOP Champaign is designed to target your inner city youth ages 11 to 25. stop the abusive behavior and self destruction that is at an all time high in Los Angeles urban communities. No one has taken a look at the self destruction of our youth and it is out of control. The facial piecing and tattooing, the sexual promiscuity among young girls... The list goes on... Yet we are about to begin some awareness first, that we care.. And we see the cries for help and we are here to help.! Provide resources ... It's way to much to type... Those that want to get i...