
Showing posts from October, 2015

S.T.A.R.S Foundation Lifts Every Voice

The renowned international vocal ensemble Singers Taking Action Reaching Souls better known as The S.T.A.R.S.  sets the unifying tone across the globe in using their undeniable"God-given" talent; the gift of song. With breath-taking performances throughout the US, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East, The S.T.A.R.S. sing their hearts out for the beautiful purpose of connection. As the website states "casting away any perceived differences in culture, race, age, economic status or nationality."  Their genre is as far and wide as the world as well including Pop, Jazz, Broadway, R & B, Gospel, Inspirational and Quartet Standards just to name a few. The S.T.A.R.S. exemplify raising their voices by raising funds to bring singing groups together wherever they go. They recently ignited a campaign to bring the Kenya's famous singing group 'Safari Voices International' to the US for an unforgettable free concert that will be taking place on October 1...

#Justiceorelse: Million Man March Strengthens 20 Years Later

Today was indeed a momentous day with millions of hearts uniting together. It marked the 20th Anniversary of the iconic Million Man March which took place again at the National Mall in the nation's capital. Men, women and children participated in this historic day of change. Minister Louis Farrakhan was again a powerful speaker and leader today as he was in 1995. People far and near were able to live stream on the official website JusticeorElse which was the resounding theme for today's march as well as the hashtag #JusticeorElse became the the #1 trending topic all over the internet.  Many people were voicing their disappointment with the lack of media coverage on a day of non-violent unity instead of the crime, violence and injustice that is displayed daily. Photo Credit: CrossroadNews  Many of the topics of discussion 20 years ago were reinforced and emphasized on a greater scale today. Social justice reform , eradicating institutional racism and equality for all wer...