
Showing posts from April, 2013

One Village Leadership Academy

Life Coach Kevin Simmons is thrilled to announce the launch of his professional Life Coaching Business and Transformational Trainings:     One Village Leadership Academy   "Love is really all there is, Everything else, is an illusion " As a Professional Life Coach and Transformational Trainer my mission is to support my clients uncover what's holding them back from living the life of their dreams; to have the courage to declare what they truly want; and to follow their heart in all domains of their life. Although I coach a variety of individuals, I have specialized in working with successful, professional people, that are too busy to be a priority in their own life.  And what makes me a specialist?  I am a specialist because I recognize, that the God in me, is the same God in you! Here are a few challenges commonly experienced by professionals who feel they have no time for themselves.   They . . . ·        ...

Tomorrow: Be A Part of #theCADREeffect

For more information or to RSVP, Click Here #theCADREeffect !!!

Tomorrow: Englightened Business Summit Call with Bettie Spruill

Message from Bettie Spruill I want to invite you to join me on Tuesday, April 3rd for a conversation I’ll be having with Stephen Dinan, the CEO of the Shift Network. It’s part of their monthly Enlightened Business Series. I’m honored to be one of the speakers for the Enlightened Business Series. Each month you’ll hear from a conscious business expert and you’ll gain insights and learn tools you can apply NOW to help you build a successful conscious business. If you have a message or gift to share with the world, these monthly calls will help you lay a solid business foundation that allows you to do it in the most effective possible manner. No sense reinventing the wheel. Learn from the experts who have already laid a strong foundation. Discover what they have done that works… and also the mistakes they made along the way so that you can avoid those pitfalls! On the call I’ll be sharing some of the si...