
Showing posts from September, 2012

Rising Star "Renatta Nikole" stars in "Because He Loved Me" by Dexter Overall

Rising starlette coined as "The Gifted Masterpiece" , Renatta Nikole will star as  "Mya" in Dexter Overall's highly anticipated screenplay "Because He Loved Me."   The play is set to hit the stage at Prairie State College in Chicago, Ill on  Saturday, October 13, 2012 . The doors open at 6:00 P.M . and show time is at 7:00 P.M . Renatta Nikole is an actress, singer, painter, writer...a true ARTISTE!!. She is definitely the one to watch! See the Gifted masterpiece in action in the trailer for Becasue He Loved Me below:

Families Unlocking Futures-Compelling Report released

Photo Credit: Richard Ross of youth detained at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Downey Release of Groundbreaking National Report FAMILIES UNLOCKING FUTURES Solutions to the Crisis in Juvenile Justice Today, Tuesday, September 25, 2012, the Youth Justice Coalition, as a part of the national network Justice for Families, assembled on the steps of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration to release a report exposing the crisis in the juvenile injustice system. Based on over 1,000 surveys with parents and family members of incarcerated youth and 24 focus groups nationwide, Families Unlocking Futures aims to correct misperceptions about system-involved youth and their families, and demonstrates the need for families’ active participation in redesigning the youth justice system in order to secure safer and more prosperous communitie...

Fall Classes at William Grant Still Arts Center

Embrace the Arts-Get to know the ARTIST in you!   FALL CLASSES  - $5 per class (Oct. 8 – Nov. 24) No registration required - come on day of class Tuesday Drums  -  Marcus L. Miller 4 – 5 pm  (7 – 12 years) 5 – 6 pm (13 years and up) Drawing & Painting  -  Raul Baltazar 4 – 5:30   (7 – 12 years) Wednesday Keyboard  -  Aeros Pierce 2:30 – 3:30 pm, (Adult / Senior) 4 – 5 pm, Beginner (7 – 18 years) 5 – 6 pm, Returning Students (7 -18 years) Thursday Early Childhood Ukulele  -  Daniel Corral 4 – 5 pm, Beginner (3 - 6 years) Guitar  -  Daniel Corral 5 – 6 pm, Beginner (7 -18 years) 6 - 7 pm, Beginner (Adult / Senior) Friday Line Dance  -  Nawili Gray 11 am – Noon (Adult/Seniors) Crafting Circle – Cheryl Williams Noon – 2 pm (Adult/Seniors) Saturday Teen Art – Raul Baltazar   Noon – 2pm  (13 – 19 years) Every third Sa...

Bettie J. Spruill Presents" The Feminine Face of Leadership and Power"

For additional info go to: . An unforgettable experience that will change your life!

2012 Opportunity Nation Summit Live! Watch Now

Watch live streaming video from oppsummit at Advocate Pathways for Young Leaders! Be apart and make a difference!

Buffie "The Body" Carruth shares her journey in celebration of her 100th Youtube Video

She took the video and modeling industry by storm in 2005. She made an impact on the world with her stunning beauty and amazing physic.  She started out with her then paid modeling site Now, Buffie Carruth continues change lives an an empowering fitness guru. Her has generated a wave of majority female followers who want to promote healthy living in their lives. Viewers can log onto the site and see Buffie the dynamic personal trainer demonstrate powerful workout tips and techniques. She celebrates her 100th Youtube video by sharing who she is with the world. Buffie gets real in this little over 52 min video and opens up about her journey. Congratulations Buffie! To many more years of continued succes! Click on the link below. Buffie the Body: Is My Butt Fake and Why I Left the Hip Hop Industry? « Bodynomics

Alliance for Women in Media Foundation Expands 2013 Gracie Awards 
to Two Coasts

Prestigious Gracies to be Awarded in Los Angeles and New York The  Alliance for Women in Media (AWM) Foundation  is pleased to announce that for the first time, the  Gracie Awards  will take place in both California and New York in 2013. The Gracies recognize exemplary programming created for women, by women and about women in all facets of media, including radio, television, cable and new media.  The Gracies Gala, which honors national winners, will return to the Beverly Hilton Hotel on May 21, 2013. The recipients of the Gracie Awards for excellence in local, online, public and student markets will be honored on June 26, 2013, at the Hilton New York. “We are thrilled that The Gracies has become such an important industry event that this year we will celebrate the best media for, by and about women on both coasts,” said AWMF President, Erin M. Fuller.  “We are excited to return to Los Angeles, and by expanding our signature event to Ne...

Shifts the Focus to the Issues and Voting Power of Black Women at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

Black women discuss the power of the sister voter during the DNC. Pictured (L-R) Glynda C. Carr, Higher Heights for America; Rev. Leah Daughtry (at podium), On These Things; Hazel Dukes, NAACP; Clayola Brown, A. Philip Randolph Institute; Melanie L. Campbell, NCBCP/Black Women's Roundtable; Dr. E Faye Williams, NCBW     In their continuing efforts to make Black women's issues a top priority and remind elected officials and candidates of the voting power of Black women, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation's (NCBCP) Black Women's Roundtable co-hosted non-partisan round table discussions in conjunction with the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa, FL, and this week at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte, NC. At the Charlotte Convention Center Black Women's Roundtable joined with Higher Heights for America to co-host, "Harnessing Black Women's Political Power: The Chisholm Effect 40 Years in th...