Buffie "The Body" Carruth shares her journey in celebration of her 100th Youtube Video

She took the video and modeling industry by storm in 2005. She made an impact on the world with her stunning beauty and amazing physic.  She started out with her then paid modeling site www.buffiethebody.com.
Now, Buffie Carruth continues change lives an an empowering fitness guru. Her www.bodynomics.com has generated a wave of majority female followers who want to promote healthy living in their lives. Viewers can log onto the site and see Buffie the dynamic personal trainer demonstrate powerful workout tips and techniques.

She celebrates her 100th Youtube video by sharing who she is with the world.
Buffie gets real in this little over 52 min video and opens up about her journey. Congratulations Buffie! To many more years of continued succes!

Click on the link below.
Buffie the Body: Is My Butt Fake and Why I Left the Hip Hop Industry? « Bodynomics


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