M.M.P.A. 10th Annual Hoiday Toy Drive

Holiday Angel and President of the Multi- Cultural Motion Picture Asscociation, Mr. Jarvee Hutcherson hosted the 10th Annual Holiday Toy Drive Extravaganza at the Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, CA on December 9th.

There were tons of toys and donations given for disadvantaged children.The Beautiful Christmas tree sat on stage with the many toys that would light up any child's world.  The amazing show was hosted by Sam Phillips. There were some wonderful performances by Heroine December, Raz B, Christopher Michael and many more performers donated their talent for the cause.

Celebrity Supporters included Celebrity Stuntwoman/Actress April Weeden-Washingtom, Actor/Media Mogul Eric Zuley, Actress Charyse Monet, Child Stars Kierra Washington and Jordin Gould,  Founder of the Kierrah Foundation Brandy Sanders, The Chocolate Bunny, Artist Pasqual  just to name a few.

Tis the season of giving!!!!


  1. Hi,

    How can we get a hold on the red carpet pictures ?
    I was present too and would love to have them.

    Thank you.
    my email: hajji_fouad@hotmail.com


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