Industry Insider Spotlight: TIFFANY "New York" POLLARD


Tiffany! What have you been up to these days?

Well a major recent event was traveling to India with Joyce Meyer Ministries, to deliver love and hope to the less fortunate souls of Hydrabad and Calcutta. It was quite an enlightening experience to say the least! Our group traveled to the "Well of Life" as well as the burial site of Mother Theresa and various hospitals and hospices.

Wow! That's serious! Who would have thought?

(Laughs) A lot of people don't realize that I was raised in the church and how spiritual I have been throughout my life, and since
taking a break from my reality TV success I have decided to give back a little bit more and serve GOD, I also have plans to start working with a wonderful organization here in Los Angeles that helps rescue teens from prostitution and street life.

OK, we see the workings of a serious community activist! How about career wise, what do you have cooking these days?

Well, when I got done with my last show I really just wanted to relax. Since then I've joined the actors union and became a card carrying SAG member, and I've been going on casting calls regularly. It's actually quite challenging, I've been blessed to get callbacks and I have a couple of projects on deck.

Where are you calling home these days?

I actually moved to Hollywood in 2005 and I love it so much!! I still visit New york as often as possible.

And what's next on the menu for Ms. Tiffany?

Well I wasn't sure for the longest time just what I wanted to focus on, but now I realized I want to concentrate on work as well as helping people. I want to align myself with people and projects that are positive and meaningful.    

*interview by LA Super Promoters*


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