Call for Submissions-Anthology: Letter’s To My Bully

Letters To My Bully

Call for Submissions-Anthology: Letter’s to My Bully (Glover Lane Press) Edited by Azaan Kamau and Ifalade Ta’Shia Asanti

Letter’s to My Bully is a collection of letters, short stories (fiction or non-fiction), poetry and essays from authors across the world that speaks to the traumatic and sometimes fatal impact of bullying. 
Letters to My Bully is also an educational and preventative tool for parents, educators, teens and youth, as well as a channel for healing and empowerment for bullying victims and survivors.
Letters to My Bully is currently seeking submissions of:

Essays-1000 Words or Less
Personal Commentary (Letters)-1000 Words or Less
Poetry-2-3 Single Spaced Pages
Short Stories (Fiction or Non-Fiction)-2500-3000 Words or Less

Submissions should speak to:

-Your personal experiences with being bullied
-How being bullied changed or altered your life
-How you overcame being victimized by a bully
-Essays discussing possible solutions to bullying
-What you would say to your bully if you could confront them today

Deadline:  November 15, 2011 at 5pm   Please send submissions to

All submissions must include full contact information including Name, Address, Email, Phone Number and Web Site (if you have one).  Please use only, Times Roman, 12 Point Font with One Inch Margins  (DO NOT INCLUDE SPECIAL GRAPHICS, FONTS, COLORED TEXT ETC)

For more information visit Glover Lane Press website at or


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