Los Angeles OIC and Russell Simmons' RushCard Needs our support to bring computers to 300 Families
From Chris Bridges, Executive Director of OIC
such, the RUSHCARD Prepaid Visa can provide debit cards for many that are denied banking privileges. Internet access requires debit/credit
cards or a checking account for service.
Prepaid Visa is providing a platform for fundraising and a challenge
that will allow a non-profit to win/match up to $50,000 over the next
thirty days. The RUSHCARD “Rise To Thrive Charity Challenge” begins today and ends October 22nd.
grassroots fundraising effort is created to provide a computer for 300
students, veterans or families/households along with monthly internet
access. For as little as $10.00 you would pay for one month of
High-Speed internet service and $150 for a refurbished computer. (See
attached flyer.)
Help us double your contribution. Visit our “Rise To Thrive” website and be among the first to make an investment into our future.
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