Serving Angel: Amma in Los Angeles - Summer 2014

Mata Amritanandamayi profoundly known as Amma, which means "mother" is a Hindu Spiritual Guru  who has always served the world through the power of love. She is known world wide as the "Hugging Saint." She heals millions every year through her hugs of love. She has a network of global charities called "Embracing the World"  which is a worldwide network of global humanitarian projects active in over 40 countries. I am super excited about embracing Amma. 

Her principles are Love, Serve and Conserve ...... #Loveit #servingangel

Amma will be in southern california from June 8-12 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport. 

Click the link below to find out more info. 

Amma in Los Angeles - Summer 2014


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