Discover the Purpose and Power of Ontological Coaching with Bettie Spruill

Bettie J. Spruill

Free Webinar-Class: An Introduction to Ontological Coaching with Master Coach Bettie J Spruill, including a rare LIVE coaching session on October 5, 2017 from 5:30 PM- 7:30 PM PDT. 

Do you want to become a masterful, certified coach but you're not sure where to start or which school to attend?

Do you want to learn the ontological coaching techniques some of the most highly paid and sought-after coaches in the world are practicing to get incredible results?

We want to invite you to a LIVE web-class where master coach Bettie J Spruill will break down the three most important aspects of ontological coaching that every coach MUST learn to embody before you can be the powerful, driving force that gets your own clients' major results. 

Ready to register? Click here:

Bettie J. Spruill is a master coach with over 40 year experience in leadership and transformational technology, specializing in Ontological, Mindful, and Ecological coaching. Her ICF accredited school, along with Ana Escalante and other premier coaches, is one of the most recognized thought tanks in the Americas. Our students are coaching all over the world, making a significant impact in communities and businesses on every continent.

On this webinar, you will learn the basic principles behind Ontological Coaching, as well, as experience this powerful technique in a LIVE coaching session with one of our master coaches…

1. Mindful Observing - While good coaches help their clients clarify the sorts of skills they need to achieve their goals, the ontological approach aims to deepen the client’s observational skills.

2. "Language-ing" a Thriving World - In a mindful and autonomous life, we not only aim to meet our material needs, but also aim to enhance the value, meaning, and emotional rhythm of our lives. The ontological approach recognizes that how we speak our world into being determines the kind of lives we are going to lead.

3. Authoring our Self-Narratives - Overcoming the default mode of passive living, the ontological method aims to help clients uncover what they can be sincerely committed to, thereby helping clients take responsibility for their lives, which, in turn, supports them in achieving their personal and professional goals.

So what makes Ontological Coaching one of the most viable and powerful coaching techniques in the world?

We believe ontological coaching is at the root of social transformation. When you are able to listen deeply; beyond people's words and into their body language, into their silences, then you can question their assumptions and worldviews in a way that opens new possibilities for their life.

It also allows you a powerful insight into the human condition that most people are unable to see or hear. Being able to make and teach others to make powerful requests, to use language in a way that creates and transforms, by authoring incredible results, you will change your life and your clients' lives in drastic and profound ways.

Join Bettie for a FREE two hour class on Ontological Coaching here:

***Space is limited.

Want to learn more about our premier school of ontological coaches?


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